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Re: An IETF working group for HTTP?

Jeff Hostetler writes:

> I strongly agree that we need to get HTTP into the
> standards process.  We need to get/keep an open
> architecture to keep the various 'grass roots' 
> efforts from dividing the web.

Indeed, and more than that, we want to get people cooperating to
speed up the development of compatible specs. If we don't then
we are leaving a vacuum, into which will flood proprietary specs.

I am interested in being a member of this effort.
My area of interest is in security and commerce.
I have considerable progress on my 'grass root'
effort which I can donate (both docs and source

Great! I was kind of hoping to do things this way, by building on
all the efforts to-date of different groups.

> Perhaps a BOF session at the October conference
> would be appropriate.

Your wish is my command! (I have just submitted a request for the BOF).
Best wishes,

Dave Raggett

Hewlett Packard Laboratories              email: dsr@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Filton Road                               tel:   +44 272 228046
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